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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Signs, signs, everywhere signs ......

As we continue our efforts to introduce and educate the voters about our message, we also continue our efforts to observe the legal requirements related to campaigns.  Many of our supporters have requested campaign signs and are interested in starting the next phase of our campaign efforts.   We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as well as recognizing the importance, we have attached in waiting for the proper time to place campaign signs. 

As we have noted before, we feel if we cannot follow the law through our own actions, how can voters expect us to enforce the law once in office.  To be an effective and trusted leader, you must lead by example.  This past weekend and throughout the week, the incumbent has started placing campaign signs in various areas, in violation of municipal ordinance.  Although, we continually strive to follow the law we know mistakes happen so therefore to help the incumbent and other candidates, we will share our findings on placing campaign signs in the larger municipalities.  We understand the incumbents actions should be getting corrected in the future through contacts with many of you that have called and shared their inquiries, thank you for your diligence.    
We intend to continue setting the example and not the pace in the campaign, addressing issues and concerns while continuing this philosophy into elected office, carrying out the duties entrusted by you and other involved citizens.   If anyone finds anything in conflict with this information, please let us know, we would be glad to share the information (generally in all areas signs are not to be placed within the city easements).           

1.      El Reno can only post signs 30 days before an election and must be removed within 5 days after the election; website source:

2.      Oklahoma City has no significant restrictions on sign placement but cannot be on city easements,

3.      Mustang can only post campaign signs 30 days before an election and must be removed within 3 days. website source:

4.      Piedmont can only post signs 45 days before an election and must be removed within 15 days; website source:

5.      Yukon-cannot be located in the right of way and cannot stay up for more than sixty days; website source:

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